Should you try your hand at sailing?

Sailing is more than a segue from a trip to a prime vacation spot. It is a sport that is loved and adored by many men and women across the globe. It offers lessons that are not exclusive to the sport itself. It can teach a person a lot about grit, discipline, and determination. Image source: A good reason to try sailing is to have broader horizons, literally and figuratively. Sailing is all about learning and developing new perspectives. For most sailors, the sea is where they are most relieved of stress. For James Feldkamp, a participant in the upcoming Clipper Round the World Race, sailing also teaches the value of being in control. When one is faced with a tough challenge, they are only greatly in charge of their attitude and behavior towards it; proper vessel control and management take grit and guts. Image source: As with most sports, camaraderie is at the heart of sailing. Effective teamwork leads to fun moments at se...